Exam Pattern:
VITEE question paper covers 4 parts. The subjects are like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. Candidates applied for Engineering programmes needed to attempt part 1,2 & 3 and those who are opted for Bio-Medical Programmex neede to attempt part 1,2 & 4. Each section contains 40 objective questions which carry one mark for each question. Questions based on State Board of Higher Secondary School and Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curruculum only. There is no negative marking.
A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with a minimum average of 60% of marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or Biology (PCM / PCB).
A pass in 10+2 or its equivalent with 50% average marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or Biology (PCM / PCB) for candidates belonging to SC/ST and Students hailing from Jammu & Kashmir and from the North Eastern States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Sikkim, Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
Contact Details:
Dr. E. James Jebaseelan Samuel,
Director - UG Admissions,
VIT University,
Vellore - 632014,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: + 91-416-2202125.
Email: ugadmission@vit.ac.in
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