ISAT 2013 Online Application Form Notification,Date,Registering Online,Bank Challan,Application Form status

Saturday, 1 December 2012 | comments

ISAT 2013 Online Application Form Notification,Date,Registering Online,Bank Challan,Application Form status

The Application Forms of ISAT 2013 have not yet been released but the following information will give an overview of the complete application process. The following article is based on the information from last year and will be updated as soon as the new notifications are out.

The ISAT 2013 Application Form will have three important events associated with it during the process of applying for the ISAT 2013.

  • Registering ONLINE.
  • Sending the INSTITUTE COPY of Bank Challan.
  • Checking the ISAT 2013 Application Form status.
Registering Online:

The candidates can visit the website- for online registration. This portal will be open from the first week of November to the Last week of December 2012.
Prior filling the ISAT 2013 Application Form, candidates should download the Prospectus of ISAT 2013 and read the instructions carefully to avoid any error during applying as no change in any information is allowed at any later stages.

The online registration via ISAT 2013 Application Form will require a working email id of the candidate which is to be kept alive and secured till the admission process is complete.
The candidate should enter the credentials in ISAT 2013 Application Form with full care and verify the details before clicking the “Next Step” button.As soon as the basic details of the candidate have been filled in the ISAT 2013 Application Form, there will be field regarding the PASSWORD. The candidates should preserve this password for all the future references.
After this, the choice for the exam centers and the bank branches for the CHALLAN should be filled in the ISAT 2013 Application Form.

Before advancing to the next page, the candidate should verify all the details filled in by him/her as NO back going is allowed after this stage.
To complete the registration process by ISAT 2013 Application Form, the candidate should now press the SUBMIT button and a message will be displayed regarding successful registration with the unique ISAT REGISTRATION NUMBER which is to be preserved carefully till the admission process is complete.

The candidate will also get an email on the email id mentioned in the ISAT 2013 Application Form, bearing all the details supplied by him/her.

Now the candidate has to download the challan by clicking on “Get My Challan” which should be printed out on an A4 sheet and deposited at the bank branch selected earlier.
For the above step, the candidate would have to login using the loginid and password.
The last date of depositing the Challan at the bank will be around the first week of January 2013.

Sending the INSTITUTE COPY of Bank Challan:

The candidate has to get the institute copy countersigned by the bank official and sent via SPEED POST in an envelope bearing the REGISTRATION NUMBER clearly to:

The Chairman,
Valiamala P.O.,

The last date of sending this Challan to the ISAT 2013 office will be around third week of January, 2013.
After making the payment, candidate has to update the payment details in the website using the Candidate Login.

Checking the ISAT 2013 Application Form status:

The status of ISAT 2013 Application Form can be checked on the ISAT 2013 portal after the last week of February 2013 in order to be assured about the delivery of the form.
These are events associated with ISAT 2013 Application Form which complete the application process of ISAT 2013.

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