Christmas Message 2012
Christmas is the Blessed season
which engages the whole world
in a conspiracy of love!
I hope that your Christmas would be enjoyable & may the essence of Christmas remains always with you.
Take care.
I am dreaming of white Christmas ,
with every christmas card i write,
May your days be merry and bright,
& May all your christmases be white.
Merry Christmas.
Have an ideal Christmas;
an occasion that is celebrated as a reflection of your values,
& traditions...
Bells are ringing the wishes of christmas day the flying snowflakes send my most sincere blessings to you,
Merry christmas.
Christmas is not a time nor a season,
a state of mind,
To cherish peace and goodwill,
To be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
Merry Christmas and may God's grace be with you.
Make merry not just on this wonderful holiday but all through the year....
It's the month of Cakes & Candles,
Snow & Songs,
Carols & Joys,
Laughter & Love,
Wishing you merry Christmas...
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred
we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit become a child again at Christmas-time...
Merry Christmas,
May you be surrounded by all the things that bring Christmas cheer...
May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Wish you lots of love, joy & happiness.
Love came down at Christmas;
Love all lovely, love divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Stars & angels gave the sign.
Christmas hath a darkness;
Brighter than the blazing noon;
Christmas hath a chillness
Warmer than the heat of June,
Christmas hath a beauty
Lovelier than the world can show:
for Christmas bringeth Jesus,
Brought for us so low
A Peaceful Christmas
A happy & prosperous, New Year to you
May we all be seven times better off at this time next year !
It's Christmas and I just wanted to say "Thank U" & that....
It's been a pleasure working with you this past year...
Hope you & your family have a wonderful Holiday &...
A Happy New Year !
Oh, God.....
Help us rightly to rememberthe birth of Jesus that we may share in the songs of the angels
the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men
& may Christmas morning make us happy to be your children.
We pray that God presence is especially near dear to u this Christmas.
If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window grabs you
puts you in a sack don't worry ...
I told Santa I wanted u for CHRISTMAS
Lets welcome the year which is fresh & new
Lets cherish each moment it beholds
Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas
I hope that ur Christmas would be enjoyable & may the essence of Christmas remains always with u. Take care.
May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth & love.
Christmas is the time of giving & sharing.
It is the time of loving & forgiving.
Merry Christmas to Everyone!
The snow gently falls,
touches the heart,
white as a dove,
Merry christmas wid love.
Each Christmas finds me longing
For Christmases now past
& I am back in childhood
As long as memories last.
I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book & every year when Christmas comes
I go and take a look & that is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they are written in, but really of my heart.
Somehow, not only 4 Christmas
But all the long year through
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that comes back to u.
Let the spirit of love
gently fill our hearts & homes.
In this loveliest of seasons
may u find many reasons 4 happiness.
To a joyful present
and a well remembered past
Best wishes for Happy Holidays
& a magnificent New Year.
May the Christmas season, fill ur home with joy
your heart with love & your life with laughter.
May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter & goodwill
& may the year ahead be full of contentment & joy.
Have a Merry Christmas.
It's Baby's first Christmas, what a beautiful sight!
As he gurgles out loud in spontaneous delight.
As he gazes at the Tree, with it's baubles & trim
I know only He can hear the Angels sweet hymns.
A New year
A New Start
A New Chapter
A New Beginning
forget the bad
Cherist the GOOD
I sincerely wish you a very blessed new year ahead. happy new year.
Can I have ur picture, so Santa Claus knows exactly what to give me.
Happy Christmas.
A song was heard at Christmas
To wake the midnight sky
A saviour's birth, and peace on earth
& praise to God on high.
May ur world be filled with warmth & good cheer this holy season & throughout the year
Wish ur christmas be filled with peace & happiness
Merry X-mas
Christmas may be many things or it may be a few.
for you, the joy is each new toy
for me, it's watching you.
May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow
Wish you lots of love, joy & happiness.
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love
Happy Christmas
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
Merry Christmas
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Happy Christmas
Faith makes all thingz possible,
Hope makes all thingz work,
Love makes all thingz beautiful,
May U have all da three for this Christmas.
Love and Joy came down on the earth on Christmas day 2 make you happy & cheerful.
May Christmas spread cheer in ur life...
From home to home & heart to heart from one place to another.
The warmth & joy of Christmas bring us closer to each other
Happy Christmas
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind.
To cherish peace & goodwill,to b plenteous in mercy,
is to have the real spirit of Christmas
Christmas gifts need to come from tha bottom of ur heart
your heart needs to be an ocean filled with love
like the ocean is filled with water all year, your heart needs to be filled with love all year
its Christmas time all year, time to make Christmas gifts all year each day!
Christmas time is a time for love
Christmas is a time to love the ones you value most your one & only
If one night a big fat man jumps in at ur window
grabs you & puts you in a sack dont worry, I told Santa I want you for CHRISTMAS.
May this season bring you success good times & happiness!
I hope you have a wonderful christmas.
Have a great new year!
Hopefully santa i'll be extra good to you.
Enjoy ur holidays
A Christmas candle is a lovely thing;
It makes no noise at all,
But softly gives itself away;
While quite unselfish,
it grows small.
Fill your heart with Xmas songs, Candies, cakes & soak in the beautiful snow. �Merry Christmas to you�
Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy, & love of the season! Season's Greetings!
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